🧿 We all have the ability connect to Infinite Intelligence - God, Source, Creator
🧿 I had a close friend of mine ask about my belief system recently... like what do I believe in? Is it Witch craft, Christianity, Spirituality?
🧿 I honestly had to think about it for a second... I don’t even think I was ever clear with myself in what I “believed” in.
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🧿 At this point in my life I have learned that your thoughts control your actions which lead to your experiences. If you connect to a certain line of thought or frequency, then that will lead to other thoughts & ideas that relate to that same line of thought or frequency.
🧿 We hear what we want to hear. We connect to the things that we want to connect to through our frequency.
🧿 You draw in the people, places, and things that are related to that same frequency. ▪️
🧿 What frequency are you tuning into today?